With personal property appraisals, RedSuit will always establish the most accurate benchmark for your property’s value. This accuracy comes from years in property appraisal, so don’t just go with an educated guess. From antiques to modern furniture, the things you own need more attention than a search engine can offer, so hire an appraisal specialist to discover the full value of your property!
What is it worth?
An appraisal is an informed opinion of value within a specific market context for a specific purpose. The intended use of the appraisal will determine the type of value and the approach to value that is applied. RedSuit Realty & Auction conducts Appraisals of residential contents such as antiques, furniture, furnishings, fine arts, decorative arts, and jewelry. Reports are prepared by our highly trained and experienced appraisers. These documents are useful in settling estates, trusts, guardianships, divorce, bankruptcy, gifts, etc.
Our appraisals can be prepared to meet the requirements and specifications of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
RedSuit Realty & Auction is a member in good standing of The Certified Appraisers Foundation of The Asheford Institute of Antiques. The staff of Red Suit Realty & Auction are Certified and Competent Personal Property Appraisers in Antiques, Collectibles and General Household Goods utilizing the Professional Appraisers Code of Conduct. The academic standards for AIA PACC Certified Appraisers are rigorous and consist of over ninety-five equivalent class credit hours The Certified Appraisers Foundation was established in 1967. Red Suit Realty & Auction can perform your Appraisals for Insurance Purposes. It is important to have items of personal property appraised to ensure proper coverage during a move, when upgrading an existing policy or establishing a new one. To protect valuable items from loss by fire, theft or damage, many insurance policies require fine art, antiques, silver and collectibles to be scheduled separately for complete coverage. It is highly recommended that an insurance appraisal be updated every five (5) years to allow for fluctuations in the relevant marketplaces.
Estate Planning and Liquidation
An appraisal for trust and estate planning is essential for the Internal Revenue Service filing requirements, probate reporting and equitable distribution among heirs. An appraisal of personal property assets - including fine and decorative art, antiques and household contents - assists the fiduciaries, executors and advisors in the equitable transfer of property either by sale or by distribution.
Equitable Distribution
In the event of a divorce or business dissolution, an appraisal is necessary in order to ensure equitable division of property or to ascertain equal shares of a joint asset.
Damage or Loss
A damaged item must be assessed to establish the value in its present condition in order to determine whether restoration or conservation is the appropriate next step or whether a partial or total loss should be declared.
Charitable Donations
A donation appraisal is required by the Internal Revenue Service when a gift of one or more like items is valued above $5,000, in addition to a completed IRS Form 8283. A qualified donation appraisal requires exact information, including details of comparable and completed sales in appropriate markets, photographs and market analyses.
Personal Property Appraisal Rate Schedule
Retainer Fee - $50.00
Hourly Research Rate - $25.00
Comprehensive Report Fee - $65.00
Short Form Report Fee - $15.00
The fee for an appraisal is based on the amount of time spent on site, time required for research and report production. Fees are based on an hourly rate (with a minimum) or daily rate and are established once the scope of the appraisal is defined, including the quantity and types of objects to be appraised. If appropriate, an on-site inspection can be arranged to better assess the scope of work.
Online Entertainment Appraisals - $10.00, $30.00, $65.00